Thursday 26 March 2020

nutrition in plants

Food is the most important and basic thing for life.Carbohydrate,protein,fats,vitamins, and minerals are the components of food.these components are necessary for all livings beings.all plants and animal require food for their growth and development and to get energy.The process of utilisation of food by living organism to obtain energy for their growth and development is known as nutrition. plants make their food themselves but animals cannot.Hence, animal depends directly or indirectly on the plants.

i) Autotrophic nutrition
i) Heterotrophic nutrition

mode of nutrition in plants : autotrophs & heterotrophs
                                           Ex:all green    Ex:cuscuta , santalum
                                                plants.                                                                                                               PHOTOSYNTHESIS                                                           
leaves have several tiny pores called stomata. Carbon + dioxide + sunlight/chlorophyll + carbohydrate + oxygen.

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